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Tulles by Tess

Tulles by Tess was established somehow itself at the beginnig of summer 2014.
These wrap tulle skirts are for every woman - for girls, young women, moms, grandmoms...
Due to wrapping are these skirts UNI sized.
There are lots of ways how to wear this skirt - with boots, pumps, converse...

Gift voucher for designer's products

Voucher 2000 CZK
77.21 EUR
Voucher 1000 CZK
38.60 EUR
Voucher 500 CZK
19.30 EUR
Voucher 100 EUR
100.00 EUR
Voucher 50 EUR
50.00 EUR
Voucher 25 EUR
25.00 EUR
Voucher 100 USD
86.52 EUR
Voucher 60 USD
51.91 EUR
Voucher 30 USD
25.96 EUR